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FMC Butner Visitation Center

Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP)

Last Updated: May 07,2024

General Visitation Information

Federal Medical Center - Visiting Hours

  • Friday 2:30 pm - 8:00 pm
  • Saturday 8:30 am – 3:00 pm
  • Sunday 8:30 am – 3:00 pm
  • Holidays 8:30 am – 3:00 pm

Visiting Information

Regular Visitors:

Members of the Immediate Family: All adult members of the inmate's immediate family will normally be placed on the approved list of visitors upon the inmate's request. Immediate family includes: father, mother, step-parents, brothers, sisters, spouse, or anyone that has served as a parent, such as a legal guardian, foster parents, grandparents (established in the inmate's pre-sentence report). For individuals with a different family name to be considered for visiting, documentation should be submitted to the Unit Team. The Unit Team member will verify the visitor’s status as immediate family prior to the initial visit.

Other Relatives: This includes grandparents, uncles, aunts, in-laws, and cousins. They can be placed on the approved visitation list if the inmate requests to have visits from them regularly and if there exists no reason to exclude them. They are required to complete a Visitor Information Form and receive a completed NCIC check.

Friends and Associates: Visiting privileges shall ordinarily be extended to friends and associates having an established relationship prior to confinement, unless such visits could reasonably create a threat to the security and good order of the institution. These individuals may be placed on the visiting list if identified in the inmate’s Pre-sentence Investigation and upon completion of an NCIC check. The Warden must approve any exception to this requirement.

Visits to Offenders not in the General Population:

1. Admission Status: All social visits will be limited to approved visitors only.

2. Hospital Patients: Visits for inmates hospitalized in the community will be approved by the Complex Warden (USP/SPC)/Warden (FCI) or his designee. This will normally be limited to immediate family members. All visits will be subject to the general visiting policy of the hospital. An approved visiting list will be forwarded by the inmate’s Unit Team, through the Captain, and will be maintained by the hospital officer(s).

3. Special Housing Unit (SHU): The Operations Lieutenant and Special Housing Unit Lieutenant will be notified when an inmate in the Special Housing Unit has a visit. Each case will be handled on an individual basis. Special Housing inmates will be limited to 1 day a week for 2 hours. The SHU inmates at the United States Penitentiary will be secured in a noncontact visiting room. Visiting for inmates assigned to the Special Housing Unit will be conducted on the same days as general population inmates. Special Housing Unit inmates will be escorted to the USP non-contact visiting room or the FCI search room from the Special Housing Unit in hand restraints from behind. Once an inmate is placed in the USP non-contact visiting room or the FCI search room and the door is secured, the restraints will be removed. At the completion of the visit, the restraints will be re-applied prior to the opening of the cell door or search room door.

Visitors Entering the Institution:

1. Staff must be able to verify the identity of visitors (over the age of 15) prior to admission into the institution. A birth certificate is an acceptable form of identification for young adults from the ages of 16-18. One of the following forms of identification will be required for identification purposes: valid driver's license, valid state or federal identification card, or a valid/current passport. Any identification that is altered, forged, expired, is not a valid form of identification and will not be accepted. Check cashing cards and other easily produced forms of identification are not appropriate.

2. Staff may require a visitor to submit to a personal search. This includes any items of personal property as a condition of allowing or continuing a visit. Items of personal property may be required to be returned to the visitor's vehicle prior to entering the institution. All vehicle keys will be secured in a lock box located and operated by the Front Lobby Officer. A numbered chit will be issued to the visitor. The visitor will be responsible for maintaining constant possession of the numbered chit. If a visitor was dropped off and does not have a vehicle, items not permitted into the visiting room will be disposed of, or visitation will be denied. Refusal to allow staff to search the items will result in the visit being denied. Visitors will be allowed to wear Religious headgear, only after it has been searched.

3. All inmate visitors, with the exception of children under the age of 16, will be required to sign the log book at the Front Lobby Officers desk. Visitors, with the exception of Federal, State and Local Law Enforcement Officials, Members of Congress and the Judiciary, will be required to complete a Notification of Visitor Form. All visitors entering the institution will pass through the metal detection device. Processing of visitors will proceed by stamping the visitors and verification to ensure it is visible in black light. Visitors with surgically implanted metal plates, pins, or pacemakers, etc., will need to supply medical documentation of these items prior to entry into the institution. If a visitor has appropriate documentation of a medical condition which would prevent him/her from clearing the walk-through metal detector, the Operations Lieutenant and the IDO will be notified.

4. A drug/explosive detection device is being utilized at the USP Front Lobby. The device will be utilized on randomly selected inmate visitors. All Visitors testing positive will receive notification that their visitor’s privileges are suspended with the date and the appropriate number of hours/days the visitors privileges are suspended. A confirmed positive test result for an illegal substance may satisfy the reasonable suspicion standard warranting further investigation, searches, controlled visitation, or denied visitation. Categorically deciding to deny visitation without considering the other options should not occur.


Visitors testing positive will have their visiting privileges suspended as follows and will not be allowed to return to the institution until the specified time frame.

a. First Occurrence: 48 Hours, from the scheduled visiting day

b. Second Occurrence: 30 days

c. Third Occurrence: 90 days d. Fourth Occurrence: 180 days

SIS Department is responsible for generating a tracking report of all positive tests and the visitor’s entry status.

5. Lockers: Metal lockers are provided for visitor storage. All coats, hats, jackets, personal keys, and billfolds must be stored in the lockers. Visitors will be permitted to take a small plastic bag with them into the Visiting Room. All materials stored in the lockers will be examined by the Front Entrance Officer. No unopened parcels will be permitted in the Visiting Room. Purses, packages and toys will not be permitted into the institution. Social visitors are not authorized to bring anything to give or show the inmate.

6. Once the visitor(s) has been processed, the visitor(s) will proceed to the Visiting Room, escorted by a staff member. The visitor’s photographic identification will be relinquished to the Visiting Escort Officer and Notification to Visitor Form will be hand-carried to the Visiting Room and relinquished to a Visiting Room Officer in Charge upon entry into the Visiting Room. The Control Room Officer will verify the visitor’s stamp via the black light before permitting entrance into the secured perimeter of the institution. Upon entry the Visiting Room Officer will also verify the visitor’s stamp via the black light.

Upon completion of the visit, the inmate and visitor will report to the Visiting Room Officer. The inmate must be positively identified. The Visiting Room Officer will then instruct the inmate to wait by the inmate search room. The Visiting Room Officer will then verify all visitors’ hand stamps via the black light, identify each visitor via the photo identification and relinquish Notification Forms to the escorting staff member. The visitor(s) will then be escorted to the Administration Building. The Control Room Officer will verify all visitor’s hand stamps via the black light, and reference the photo identification prior to releasing the visitor (s) from the secure SallyPort. The Front Lobby Officer will ensure all personal items, i.e. (vehicle keys) are returned.

Visits will be denied or terminated only through the Operations Lieutenant in consultation with the IDO.

No cell phones/cameras or electronic devices of any kind will be permitted in the Administration Building or the institution at any time. The items will be returned to the visitors secured vehicle.

The only exception to this would be if the medication is life supportive to the visitor. Only the exact dosage during the time that he/she will be visiting will be permitted. Prior to allowing the medicine into the institution, the Front Lobby Officer will contact a member of the Health Services staff to determine if the medicine is necessary. If the medication must be retained by the visitor, the Front Lobby Officer will advise the Visiting Room Officer that the visitor has medication. The Visiting Room Officer will keep the medication until it is used.

If for any reason a visitor is denied entrance to the facility, Attachment C will be completed and forwarded per distribution noted on the form.

7. Social Visitors: All social visitors 16 years old and above will be required to complete a Notification to Visitor Form upon arrival. All areas of the form will be completed. Visitors will also sign in on the Visitor's Log Book and sign out when they conclude the visit. If a visitor has to leave the approved visiting area for any reason, the visit will be terminated.

8. ITEMS AUTHORIZED IN VISITING ROOM: Only the following articles are authorized to be carried

into the institution by visitors: a. small clear plastic bag or change purse. b. Money to be used for refreshments, no more than $25.00, in increments of $5.00 or less. c. Photo identification. d. Essential medication; limited to the amount needed during the visiting period, and will be controlled by the Visiting Room Officer. The following items will be permitted, per child, when infants are visiting:

a. Four(4) Diapers
b. One (1) clear package of baby wipes
c. One (1) change of infant clothing
d. Two (2) clear baby bottles(3/4 full)-(liquids only)
e. Two (2) small plastic jars of baby food (Unopened)
f. One (1) receiving blanket
g. One (1) clear drinking cup
h. One (1) plastic serving spoon
i. One (1) small clear plastic tote
All items will be subject to search at any time by the Visiting Room Staff.

9. APPROVED DRESS CODE - Visiting Attire:

ALL visitors will be dressed in an appropriate manner and in good taste. Any visitor who arrives provocatively or inappropriately dressed will be denied the privilege of visiting. Inmates will inform visitors, prior to visiting, that clothing MUST be appropriate for an institution setting and should not demonstrate disrespect to others who may be present in the visiting room. All visitors must be fully attired, including shoes. Shoes must have a heel or be able to strap to the foot. Slipper type shoes, Shower Shoes or Flip-Flops are not permitted. Visitors are to refrain from wearing apparel which is revealing or suggestive. Visitors will refrain from wearing any clothing that contains sexually suggestive / offensive writing, or writing / logos that reference gangs. Shorts WILL NOT be permitted unless on a child under the age of 12. Dresses or skirts must be no shorter than knee-length, and may not have a slit above the knee. Any clothing that reveals any part of the buttocks or crotch area, sheer clothing, tank tops, halter tops, midriff tops, strapless tops/dresses and spandex style clothing WILL NOT be permitted. Bib overalls and camouflage clothing WILL NOT be permitted. Undergarments containing metal (i.e. underwire bra) are not permitted. HOWEVER, UNDERGARMENTS ARE REQUIRED FOR ADMISSION. Only religious head wear may be worn. Visitors are not permitted to wear gray colored sweat wear, or any clothing khaki, orange, or green. Plain Tshirts in the following colors: Gray, Khaki, Green Orange, White, Red, or Yellow are NOT permitted. No medical scrubs or clothing resembling staff uniforms.


10. Large vehicles (e.g., campers, mobile recreational vehicles, tractor trailers) are prohibited from being parked in the institution parking lot at any time. Violators may be subject to towing, at the owner’s expense.


Letters: The Visiting Room Officer will be aware of all articles passed between the inmate and attorney visitor. If there is any reasonable basis to suspect materials being passed may adversely affect the security of the institution, or constitute a violation of the law or regulations, the officer should examine the item. The Operations Lieutenant and/or SIS Office will be consulted in questionable cases.

P. Visiting Attire (Inmate):
Inmates will wear only institutional issued clothing items issued from the Laundry with the exception of the USP. Inmates may carry the following items into the Visiting Room area:
1. Identification Card
2. One wedding band (no stone)
3. One approved religious medal (with chain)
4. Prescription eyeglasses (no case)
5. Life sustaining medication (officer will maintain during the visit)
6. Religious headgear
7. Photo tickets
8. Approved shoes (must have medical documentation)

All items taken into the Visiting Room will be inventoried, by staff utilizing Attachment D, and the same items must leave the Visiting Room with the inmate. All inmates entering the USP visiting room will be visually searched upon entering and exiting the visiting room. All general population inmates entering the visiting room are required to change into an issued jumpsuit and foot wear issued by the Visiting Room staff. The jumpsuit and foot wear will be returned to the visiting room staff at the completion of the visit. All inmates entering FCI will be pat searched and all inmates exiting the visiting area will submit to a visual search. Inmates will not be permitted to return with any items other than those documented as being brought into the Visiting Room. Pat searches will be conducted on SPC inmates. A minimum of 10% will be searched for the day following visitation at the SPC. All inmates will remain properly dressed while in the visiting room, to include having their shirts tucked in.

Q. Inmate and Visitor Conduct within Visiting Room:

Inappropriate conduct during a visit may result in the termination of the visit. All inmate visitors arriving in the Visiting Room will report to the Visiting Room Officer for processing, and seating assignment. It is the responsibility of the inmate to ensure all visits are conducted in a quiet, orderly, and dignified manner. Inmates entering the Visiting Room will report to the Visiting Room Officer and check in. Inmates and visitors are not allowed to move freely inside the visiting area. The vending machines and surrounding area are off limits to inmates at all times. Only visitors may utilize the vending area, then return to their seat. All food items purchased from the vending machines must be consumed prior to visitors departing the visiting room. Inmates are not allowed to take any food items back to their housing unit. Physical contact between the inmate and his visitor(s) will be limited to an embrace and kiss upon the initial arrival, and again at the completion of the visit. Any unauthorized embracing or contact may result in termination of the visit. Any violation of the institution's visiting procedures may result in termination of the visit and/or disciplinary action. The IDO or the Operations Lieutenant has the authority to terminate a visit or deny entry of unauthorized and pre-approved visitor based on violations of the Institutional Visiting Rules and Regulations.

R. Special Rules for Children: Inmates in the visiting room are responsible for the conduct of their child visitors. Inmates are expected to supervise the children visiting them; as so they do not disturb other inmates and/or visitors, or disrupt the safety and security of the institution. Inmates who fail to properly supervise their child visitors, may be subject to having their visit terminated. The visiting rooms are equipped with games and other related children’s activities. These items are to be stored in a designated room in each visiting room. Inmates are prohibited from entering these rooms. Only visitors may access these rooms. Inmates who enter these rooms may be subject to having their visit terminated.

S. Non-Smoking Area: The entire Visiting Room and the attorney visiting rooms are designated as non-smoking areas.

T. Procedures for storing items not authorized in the Visiting Room:

Lockers will be provided for the visitors needing to secure personal items and/or items they have brought to the institution that are prohibited in the Visiting Room. The lobby officer will have keys available to these lockers for the visitors. The lobby officer will issue the key and print the visitors name and sign their name in a log book, noting the locker key they have issued. The lobby officer will place a corresponding numeric chit on the hook of the key, and note the chit number in the log book. The key will be retained by the visitor and returned to the lobby officer at the end of the visit.

U. Method by Which Visiting Guidelines Will be available to Visitors:

Visiting guidelines will be available to visitors in the lobby and/or the visitor intake processing area. Guidelines will also be available to the inmates in their respected housing units via their unit team. These guidelines will be allowed to be mailed out by the inmates to their visitors.

V. Procedures for a BACK-UP System to the Computer Visiting Program: Hard copies of inmate visiting lists will be kept in each visiting room, in the event power is lost and/or the computer visiting program is not accessible. Furthermore, unit team will be available during visiting in order to review the inmates central file to verify inmate visiting lists.

W. Reinstatement of Visiting Privileges: Only the Warden can reinstate a suspended individual to an inmate’s visiting list. The Unit Manager will prepare a memorandum through the Deputy Captain, Complex Captain, Associate Warden, to the Warden, enumerating the specific reasons for reinstating the individual to the approved visiting list.

X. Special Visits: Under no circumstances will special visits be permitted for individuals who have been removed from the approved visiting list without a thorough investigation and approval by the Warden or his designee.

The Officer will ensure that the visitor is listed on the visiting list prior to allowing access into the Visiting Room. If the visiting list is missing or the visitor’s information cannot be verified, Unit Team will be contacted to attempt to get the information. If Unit Team is not available or the visitor’s information cannot be verified, the Duty Officer and/or Operations Lieutenant will be contacted for further instructions.

The daily visitation report will be generated by manually counting the amount of inmates, adult visitors and children recorded on the Notification to Visitor form. The total amount of each category and total amount of visitors will be forwarded to the Captain’s Office via memorandum. The results of the daily visitation report will be entered on the applicable log book.

Visitation Rules

Federal Medium - Rules by Type

FEDERAL CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION VISITING ROOM SPECIFIC PROCEDURES: Visiting will be based on a point system. On the first day of each month, all FCI inmates will be credited six (6) points. Visitors for the FCI will report to the Front Lobby, where they will be processed and then escorted to the Visiting Room. The FCI Visiting Room is comprised of an interior visiting area and a patio area. Assigned seating is enforced in the interior visiting area. The patio area will be opened only due to overcrowding inside the Visiting Room. The patio area must be supervised by an Officer when in use. There are no designated areas for children to play; therefore, children must be supervised by the visitor at all times. Upon completion of the visiting period, visitors will be escorted out of the Visiting Room.

A. Visitor Processing: FCI Visitors will report to the Front Lobby for processing. The Front Lobby Officer will ensure that visitors complete the Notification to Visitor forms, sign the appropriate Visitors Log, and clear the searches procedures. The Front Lobby Officer will stamp the back of the visitor’s hand with an invisible ink stamp. The Front Lobby Officer will log the visitor’s information into the computer visiting program and will write the inmate’s unit and work assignment information on the Notification to Visitor form to assist the Visiting Room Officers to locate the inmate.
B. All minors must be accompanied by an adult visitor at the time of processing upon arrival and during the duration of the visit. Minors must be constantly supervised by the respective adult visitor, and may not be left in the care of inmates nor exit the visiting room without adult supervision.

B. Visitor Searches: In order to deter the introduction of contraband into the secured perimeter of the institution, all visitors requesting access to the facility must be willing to submit to searches including, but not limited to, pat searches, drug detection screening, metal detection screening, vehicle searches and searches of personal property. Minors under the age of 16 years old will not be submitted to pat/visual searches; however, they will be required to clear a metal detection device.

All visitors are required to clear a metal detection device and submit their personal property to x-ray screening. Additionally, all visitors will be subjected to random pat searches, vehicle searches and screening for illegal substances by utilizing a drug detection device.

Metal detection screening will be conducted with a Walk-Thru Metal detector or Transfrisker (hand-held portable metal detector). Personal property will be screened with the Rapiscan x-ray machine. Detection of illegal substances will be screened with the ION Scan 500 DT Contraband Detector. The randomness of the pat searches and illegal substances screening will be established by the Front Lobby Officer. Any visitor that refuses to submit to any screening procedure or searches, will be denied access into the institution. The Operations Lieutenant or Duty Officer will be notified prior to denying access to a visitor.

C. ION Spectrometry Devise Program-ION Scan 500 DT: The Ion spectrometry device program is a minimally intrusive method for screening people, their belongings, mail, and packages for the presence of illegal substances. According to Program Statement 5522.01, Ion Spectrometry Device, Page 11, Section 12, the following procedures will be implemented in order to protect the safety, security, and orderly operation of the institution. A confirmed positive test result for an illegal substance(s) satisfies the reasonable suspicion standard warranting further investigation, searches, controlled visitation, or denied visitation of an inmate visitor.

If an inmate visitor tests positive for the presence of an illegal substance(s) the Warden or his designee possess the discretion to require a pat/visual search as a prerequisite to visitation, or a complete denial of visitation. A sign posted at the Front Lobby entrance of the institution warns visitors that an electronic contraband detection device is in use at this institution. The sign is available in English and Spanish. If an illegal substance is identified on the visitor’s person, they will be denied entry into this facility.

Visitor Testing: All visitors, including contractors and volunteers, except as noted below, are subject to testing through the ion spectrometry device program.

Ordinarily, Department of Justice employees, state and local law enforcement personnel, Members of Congress, and members of the Judicial Branch are not screened by the device. However, the Warden reserves the right to test these individuals prior to entering the facility.

Random Selection Testing: While all visitors are subject to testing, institution resources and time management will ordinarily make testing every visitor impractical. Consequently, random visitor testing will occur. (a) “Every Third visitor” (b) “Test Four, skip Two” (c) “Test Two, skip Four, Test Three, skip Four”

At no time will disciplinary action be taken against an inmate when an individual scheduled to visit the inmate tests positive for a controlled substance. Prior to denying visitation the Warden or his designee will assess each positive confirmed test on its own merit.
• 1st Offense – Visiting privilege suspended for 48 hours.
• 2nd Offense – Visiting privilege suspended for 30 days.
• 3rd Offense - Visiting privilege suspended for 90 days.
• Fourth and Subsequent Occurrences- Visiting privilege will be suspended for 180 days.

Any visitor that fails to submit to a random drug screening or refuses a pat/visual search will be denied access to the institution.

D. Visitor Escorting Procedures: The Visiting Escort Officer will be responsible for escorting visitors in and out of the Visiting Room. Each visitor will have the back of their hand stamped by the Front Lobby Officer, utilizing a stamp using invisible ink. Prior to entering or departing the institution, the visitor’s identity will be verified against his photo identification card and his or her hand will be scanned with the ultraviolet light to ensure the presence of the stamp, at the sally port, by the escorting staff member. In the event the stamp is not visible upon departure, the visitor will be escorted back to the Visiting Room and the Operations Lieutenant will be notified to receive further instructions. A maximum of 5 (five) visitors may be escorted at any time. Children under the age of ten are exempt from the maximum amount of visitors that may be escorted.

E. Visitors Entering the Visiting Room: Visitors will be escorted to the Officer’s Station by the Escort Officer to receive a seat assignment. The Visiting Room OIC will log the arrival date of the visitor(s) into the computer visiting program. F. Visitors Departing the Visiting Room: Upon completion of the visiting period, inmates and visitors will report to the Visiting Room Officer to be re-identified. The Visiting Room OIC will return the photo identifications to the visitors. All visitors will move to the exit door to await an escort. Inmates will not be permitted to loiter by the exit door area while the visitors await escort. The Escort Officer will collect the photo identification cards of the visitors that will be escorted.

Adult visitors will surrender their photo identification cards to the escorting officer prior to leaving the Visiting Room. The Escorting Officer will process the visitors out through the front sally port, identifying each individual by name, photo identification, and backlight stamp. Upon confirming the identification of the visitor and the presence of the invisible ink stamp, the Escorting Officer will return the photo identifications to the respective visitors. The Escorting Officer or Visiting Room staff are the only members authorized to escort visitors out. The Front Lobby Officer will complete the exit process for all visitors as outlined in the current Institution Supplement on Entrance and Exit Procedures. Once a visitor leaves the Visiting Room, re-entry will not be permitted for the day. Visiting room staff will coordinate with the Front Lobby before escorting visitors to Front Lobby. Visitors will not be permitted to witness staff being screened in the Front Lobby.

G. Inmates Entering the Visiting Room: Inmate Processing: Inmates will be identified via the commissary card. All items taken into the Visiting Room will be inventoried, and the same items must leave the Visiting Room with the inmate. The Visiting Room Officer will complete the Inmate Shakedown Log (Attachment 2) to maintain an inventory of the inmate’s items. Unauthorized items will not be allowed or retained by the Officer. All inmates will be thoroughly pat searched and screened with the hand held metal detector upon entering. With prior written approval, inmates will be allowed to bring legal materials into the Visiting Room for legal visits. This material will be inspected by the Visiting Room Officer for contraband; however, the contents will not be read.

H. Inmates Departing the Visiting Room: Upon the completion of the visitation period, inmates will report to the Officer’s station to be identified. Inmates will wait at their designated door to be processed out. A visual search on all inmates exiting the Visiting Room will be conducted. I. Inmate Conduct During Visitation Period: Inmates are permitted to leave their assigned seating area only for the following purposes:
• to use the inmate restroom (Escorted Only )
• to go to the photo area (1 inmate at a time)
• to accompany visitor to vending machines, staying behind the red line (1 inmate at a time)
• upon completion of his visit Inmates desiring to use the restroom must request a staff escort from the Officer at the Officer’s station. The restroom will be secured when not in use.

J. Special Housing Unit (SHU): SHU inmates will be allowed to visit, unless visiting is denied for security reasons or disciplinary matters. SHU inmates will be seated at designated tables adjacent to the Visiting Room Officer’s station. Inmates assigned to SHU will be limited to two hours for their visit. Due to possible separation concerns, CIM clearance will be obtained from the Control Center Officer prior to escorting SHU inmates to the Visiting Room. At no time will inmates who are CIM separated from each other or have other separation concerns be allowed into the visiting area at the same time.

K. Patio Area: The patio area may be used as an overflow for the main indoor Visiting Room only when overcrowding occurs. Inmates or visitors do not elect whether they are to be placed in the patio or indoors. Inmates currently assigned to the Special Housing Unit, will not be allowed in the patio area. The patio gates are not to be used for entry or exit of the Visiting Room at any time during visitation periods.

Inmate and Visitor Conduct Within the Visiting Room: The inmate has the final responsibility to ensure all visits are conducted in a quiet and dignified manner. Inmates and their visitors are responsible for the behavior of their children. Any visit not conducted in an appropriate manner will be terminated. In the event that a visit must be terminated, the visiting room officer may terminate visits that are not conducted in the appropriate manner. Prior to terminating a visit, Visiting Room Officers must consult with the Institution Duty Officer or Operations Lieutenant.

The Associate Warden, Institution Duty Officer, or the Captain should be consulted in questionable cases. If a visit is terminated, Visiting Room staff will prepare a memorandum to the Unit Manager, through the Operations Lieutenant; with a copy forwarded to the Captain, explaining the circumstances.

Embracing and kissing by inmate family members will be permitted only at the initial greeting and at the conclusion of the visiting period. Limited physical contact reduces the opportunity for contraband to be introduced into the institution. No individuals will be allowed to sit on another person’s lap, with the exception of infants. No Straddling.

Visiting Room Officers should be aware of any articles exchanged between the inmate and the visitor. If there is any reasonable basis to suspect that an exchange of unauthorized materials is taking place, which constitutes a violation of the law or regulations, the Visiting Room Officer will examine the item. The Operations Lieutenant will be notified immediately whenever there is a reason to suspect contraband is being exchanged. A memorandum will be submitted to the SIS Office describing the event.

Any effort to violate visiting regulations will result in disciplinary action for the inmate. Disciplinary action may include denial of future visits; and criminal prosecution may be initiated against the visitor and the inmate.

The Operations Lieutenant and/or Institution Duty Officer may terminate visits for the following reasons:
• disruptive or improper conduct by the visitor or inmate,
• suspected introduction of contraband by visitor,
• failure to supervise children visiting, or inmate/visitor’s continued failure to comply with visiting regulations

Visitation Rules(Security)

Federal Medium - Rules by Security

All persons authorized to visit at this facility must abide by all institution rules. NO PERSON MAY VISIT UNLESS HE/SHE HAS BEEN APPROVED IN ADVANCE AND DOCUMENTED AS VISITORS ON THE INMATE’S VISITING LIST. AN INMATE’S VISITING LIST IS NOT PUBLIC INFORMATION, THEREFORE ANY CALLS PERTAINING TO A VISITING LIST CANNOT BE ANSWERED. All visitors must carry picture identification (such as a valid Driver’s License, current passport with photo, alien identification card with photo) in order to be admitted to the Visiting Room. An authorized form of identification is a document with the visitor’s photograph and signature.

1. Children under sixteen (16) years of age must be accompanied by an adult parent or guardian. Children sixteen (16) years of age and over MUST fill out a visitors form and have it sent to the respective Counselor. Inmates are limited to six total visitors at the USP and three at the FCI and SPC. Infants who are two years of age and under will not be encompassed in the total of visitors. Each child over the age of two will be considered as one of authorized visitors. Allowance of more than the allowed number of visitors requires prior approval from their respective Unit Manager. Adults will maintain control of their children at all times.

2. NO Food, Drinks or Gum will be allowed inside the institution. Sandwiches, soft drinks and candy are available from vending machines in the Visiting Room. Visitors are allowed to bring a maximum of $25.00, in denominations of $5.00 or less, for food and drinks from the vending machines. Visitors may purchase food for the inmate, but may NEVER give the inmate money.

3. Visitors will NOT be permitted to bring ANY electronic devices into the institution. This includes, but is not limited to, Cell phones, Pagers, Vehicle Keyless Entry/Locking Devices, Remote Starters, Cameras, or any recording equipment.

4. Purses, Wallets, Watches, or tote bags are not permitted inside the institution. Only a small clear change purse is authorized.

5. Allowable baby items are as follows: 4 diapers, 2 plastic baby bottles containing mixed formula 3/4 full, 2 sealed plastic jar of baby food, 1 plastic serving spoon, 1 small clear plastic tote bag for contents, 1 plastic ziploc bag containing baby wipes. Baby carriers and strollers are not permitted.

6. NO games, toys or balloons. Video cassettes will be available at the institution for children’s viewing NO books, legal papers, newspapers, magazines, clippings, pens, pencils, photos. NO cosmetics, tobacco products, matches or lighters will be allowed.

7. ALL visitors will be dressed in an appropriate manner and in good taste. You are entering a CORRECTIONAL SETTING, and this is a requirement. Any visitor who arrives provocatively or inappropriately dressed, will be denied the privilege of visiting. Inmates will inform visitors prior to visiting, that clothing MUST be appropriate and should not demonstrate disrespect to others present in the visiting room. All visitors must be fully attired, including shoes. Shoes must have a heel or be able to strap to the foot. Slipper-type shoes such as Shower Shoes or Flip-Flops are not permitted. Visitors are to refrain from wearing apparel which is revealing or suggestive. Visitors will refrain from wearing any clothing that contains sexually suggestive /offensive writing, or writing /logos that reference gangs. Shorts W ILL NOT be permitted unless on a child under the age of 12. Dresses or skirts must be no shorter than knee-length, and may not have a slit above the knee. Any clothing that reveals any part of the buttocks or crotch area, sheer clothing, tank tops, halter tops, midriff tops, strapless tops/dresses and spandex style clothing WILL NOT be permitted. Bib Overalls and Camouflage clothing WILL NOT be permitted. Undergarments containing metal (i.e. underwire bra)could activate the metal detector and are not permitted. HOWEVER, UNDERGARM ENTS ARE REQUIRED FOR ADM ISSION. Only religious head wear may be worn. ALL headgear will be searched prior to entering the Visiting Room. Visitors are not permitted to wear gray colored sweat wear, or any clothing khaki, orange, yellow or green . Plain T-shirts in the following colors: Gray, Khaki, Green, Orange, White, Red, or Yellow are NOT permitted. No medical scrubs or clothing resembling staff clothing. 8. Visitors belongings are subject to search by staff. Visitors are subject to random pat search by staff.

9. Persons having metal plates or prosthetic devices that will sound the metal detector must have written documentation from a doctor. Failure to provide this documentation will result in a denial of visitation privilege.

10. Prospective inmate visitors will be randomly tested using the Drug Detection Device, located in the Front Lobby. Any positive test results may result in denial of visitation.

11. Once a visitor has been checked into the institution, they will not be permitted to return to their automobile or leave the visiting area. If this occurs, the visit will be terminated.

12. Large Vehicles (e.g., campers, mobile recreational vehicles, tractor trailers) are prohibited from being parked in the institutional parking lot at any time. Violators may be subject to towing, at owner’s expense. ALL vehicles are subject to random search by staff. Any refusal will result in denial of all visitors in the vehicle.


U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Visitation Form, click to download.